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What is a transhumanist?

What is a transhumanist?
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Definition: Transhuman, transhumanism, transhumanist

Definition: What is transhumanism?

What is a Transhumanist?

Transhumanism is a global intellectual and cultural movement which has the goal of transforming and revolutionizing the human experience and condition by creating, implementing and developing technologies accessible to anyone that will massively enhance human intelligence and physical capabilities. You might think of it as using technology to transform the basic human experience into superhuman. Transhumanists are interested in develop technologies to expand and augment what is naturally available to a human when her or she is born.

What is the short form for transhumanism?

Transhumanism is sometimes abbreviated in this short form: H+ or h+

What are transhumanist technologies?

Who are the best transhumanist authors (non-fiction)?

What are the best transhumanist movies?

What are the best transhumanist documentaries?

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