Seeking a cyborg expert for media comment?
If you are a member of the media or blogosphere and are interested in talking a cyborg expert for comment on a story you are working on then please reach out to us here.
We have three authors from the book Super You, one of the hottest new books about the future for 2016. It includes an entire chapter on modern day cyborgs looks closely at the issue of designer babies.
We can also tell you how soccer mom cyborgs are becoming an everyday reality. Don’t believe us? You’ll be surprised at wat we can tell you to prove this is true.
The authors – which include Andy Walker, Kay Walker and Sean Carruthers – are well versed in the issues surrounding cyborgs in contemporary society, including:
- Are humans already cyborgs?
- Can soccer moms be cyborgs?
- Will be like Hollywood cyborgs?
- Do we really want cyborg children?
- What will Wall Street think of a cyborg market?
- Is there space on the planet for 6 billion cyborgs?
- What the heck is a cyborg anyway?
- What are the scary downsides of becoming a cyborg?
- What is the difference between being a cyborg and being bionic?
- What do the world religions think about cyborgs?
- What is a reverse cyborg?
- Will my child be more machine than human one day?
You probably have your own questions. We can answer those too. We can be available to you via:
- Voice
- Skype audio or video
- FaceTime audio or video
- In person (we are in Tampa and Toronto)
- We will also do email interviews
Interested in the book’s Table of Contents? See it here.
The Amazon listing for this book that covers cyborgs is here
We are well versed in media appearances and understand short deadlines and how to speaking in pithy sound bites. We can do shortform interviews or longer format interviews as well.
Call us at 813-501-8043 or [email protected]
Our publicist at Pearson is Emily Nave. Our media page with hi-rez author images is here
Media and blogger copies of the book are available. Contact Emily Nave at Pearson Education.