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Herbert and Zelmyra Fisher of North Carolina will have been married 86 years (as of May 2012). They hold the Guinness World Record for the longest marriage of a living couple: Zelmyra is 101 years old and Herbert is 104. Here are some tips they shared with for a more »
Kansas City, Mo. — The National World War I Museum in Kansas City is planning a wreath-laying ceremony to mark the death of the last known veteran of the Great War. The remembrance for Florence Green will take place today on a glass bridge that overlooks a field of 9,000 silk poppies. more »
It seems like every year another country’s lifestyle is touted as the new magic bullet to cure us of obesity, heart disease, and premature death: For an unclogged heart, herd goats and down olive oil like a Mediterranean. Avoid breast cancer and live to 100 by dining on tofu Japanese-style. more »