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When you fill out a survey and it asks you if you classify yourself as: a) Hispanic orgin b) Asian origin c) African descent/Black d) Causcasian/European/White e) Native Indian f) Other How do you categorize yourself? Whatever you select, please read this and put it on your fridge… Did you know skin color more »
What if you could indulge in your favorite sugary foods without worrying about your blood sugar levels spiking, gaining weight, or being diagnosed with any of the common sugar-induced health issues, such as type ll diabetes? It may be possible in the very near future. An Israeli company, DouxMatok, is currently more »
Gino Tubaro wants to provide 3D printable prosthetic hands to anyone who wants one for free. Atomic Labs, his company, has designed a simple prosthetic hand that can be printed in 3-D by anyone with access to a 3D printer. Read more: [CLICK HERE]
Two doctors have invented a heart replacement device that is keeping a man alive without a heartbeat. The gadget which replaced his failing heart pushes blood like water through a garden hose. So there is no heartbeat. Amazing. See how it was done in this short (under 4 minute) mini more »