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10 ways to hyper extend your life Want to learn how to live longer? There is increasing evidence that as a human, you will be able to hyper extend your life and live past 100 – and possibly live forever, if you choose, thanks to breakthroughs in science and technology expected more »
I answer a fair number of questions on And I was recently asked: What is the single, most important thing you can change to ensure a longer and healthier life? Here’s my answer: In my new book Super You: How Technology has Revolutionized What it Means to Be Human more »
We’ve decided to share a full chapter from the book Super You to get you a taste of some of the best stuff in the book. We’ll send you a full version of Chapter 8 – Hyper Longevity: How to make death obsolete. It includes: Interviews with the top longevity more »
It really makes me sad when I see people on Facebook lamenting the loss of parents or family members to illness or even old age. Longevity scientists are treating death as a non-inevitable condition that is ‘curable” using preventative medicine. And cryonicists are working to cure it after it happens. We more »
Researchers don’t know how to revive brain dead humans, but they are sure going to learn a lot in the process in a clinical trial aimed at reviving comatose patients. Biotech Bioquark is recruiting 20 patients who have been clinically deemed brain dead from severe traumatic brain injury. Using cutting-edge treatments that include stem cells, more »