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10 ways to hyper extend your life Want to learn how to live longer? There is increasing evidence that as a human, you will be able to hyper extend your life and live past 100 – and possibly live forever, if you choose, thanks to breakthroughs in science and technology expected more »
I answer a fair number of questions on And I was recently asked: What is the single, most important thing you can change to ensure a longer and healthier life? Here’s my answer: In my new book Super You: How Technology has Revolutionized What it Means to Be Human more »
We’ve decided to share a full chapter from the book Super You to get you a taste of some of the best stuff in the book. We’ll send you a full version of Chapter 8 – Hyper Longevity: How to make death obsolete. It includes: Interviews with the top longevity more »
It really makes me sad when I see people on Facebook lamenting the loss of parents or family members to illness or even old age. Longevity scientists are treating death as a non-inevitable condition that is ‘curable” using preventative medicine. And cryonicists are working to cure it after it happens. We more »
After extensively researching the longevity chapter in our book Super You: How Technology is Revolutionizing What it Means to Be Human, (written with my wife Kay Walker and longtime collaborator Sean Carruthers) I came upon a low cost type II diabetes drug which I discovered enhances longevity. What follows is a guide more »
Lin Fa Wang of Singapore’s Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School, also known as the “Bat Man”, has been trying to understand why bats live a long life relative to their size and have an uncanny ability to avoid disease. Wang’s most recent study sequenced the entire genome of two distantly more »
A longevity study by Stanford University, conducted by Dr. Lewis Terman in 1921, chronicled the lives of 1,500 Californians to determine the contributing factors to human longevity. In 2011, they published the results disbarring a large number of common assumptions: Myth: Optimism and Positive Thinking Extends Life The Assumption: Cheerful more »
The number of people living to age 90 and beyond has tripled in the past three decades to almost 2 million and is likely to quadruple by 2050. Read more in the Tuscon Citizen